The current price of cow in Nigeria today is dependent on the location where the cow is being sold. There are many places where you can buy cow in Nigeria. You can actually buy cow in all states in Nigeria. In Lagos, you can buy the biggest cow at Alaba Arago market opposite Lagos state University gate. In Ogun State you can buy at Mowe along Lagos-Ibadan expressway. You can buy cow at Ibadan, Benin city, Owerri. You can buy cheap cow in Kano northern Nigeria.

An Overview of Nigerian Cow Market

The Nigerian cow market is a significant part of the country’s agricultural sector. It plays an important role in the economy, contributing to food security, livelihoods, and cultural practices. The market is characterized by a variety of breeds, including the indigenous White Fulani, Red Bororo, and Sokoto Gudali, among others.

The cow market operates in a complex supply chain that involves breeders, middlemen, and end consumers. Breeders are typically rural farmers who raise the cows, while middlemen are responsible for transporting the cows from rural areas to urban markets. End consumers range from individual households to businesses such as restaurants and butcher shops.

Prices in the Nigerian cow market vary widely, influenced by cow breed, age, weight, and market location. For instance, larger, mature cows are typically more expensive than smaller, younger ones. Similarly, cows in urban markets tend to be more costly than those in rural markets due to transportation and other overhead costs.

The market is also affected by seasonal fluctuations. Prices often rise during festive periods such as Eid and Christmas when demand for beef is high. Conversely, prices may drop during the rainy season when grazing lands are abundant, reducing the cost of feeding the cows.

Despite its importance, the Nigerian cow market faces several challenges. These include inadequate infrastructure, poor access to quality feeds and veterinary services, and conflicts between farmers and herders. These issues not only affect the prices of cows but also their availability and quality.

Efforts are being made to address these challenges and improve the market. These include government initiatives to modernize the agricultural sector, promote sustainable farming practices, and resolve farmer-herder conflicts. Such efforts are expected to have a positive impact on the cow market, leading to more stable prices and improved quality of cows.

Why are Cows so Expensive in Nigeria? An Economic Perspective

One of the primary reasons why cows are so expensive in Nigeria is the high demand of cow meat Nigeria today, being the most populous country in Africa, has a high demand for beef. This high demand coupled with a relatively low supply of cows drives up the price.

Secondly, the cost of rearing and maintaining the cows. This includes the cost of feed, veterinary services, and other maintenance costs. As the cost of these inputs increases, so does the price of the cows.

Transportation costs also play an important role in the price of cows. Most of the cows are reared in the northern part of the country and transported to other parts for sale. The cost of transportation, especially with the poor state of roads and high fuel prices, adds to the final price of the cows.

Furthermore, the insecurity and conflict in some parts of the country, particularly in the north where most of the cows are reared, have led to a decrease in production. This decrease in production has resulted in a shortage of cows, thereby increasing the price.

Lastly, the devaluation of the Nigerian Naira has also contributed to the high cost of cows. The devaluation has led to an increase in the cost of inputs like feed and veterinary services, which are often imported. This increase in cost is then passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices for cows.

Species of Cows in Nigeria

Nigeria is home to a variety of cow species, each with unique characteristics and adaptations to the country’s diverse climates and terrains.

The White Fulani

The White Fulani, also known as the Bunaji, is one of the most common. These cows are large-bodied, with long horns and a predominantly white coat. They are renowned for their resilience and adaptability to different grazing conditions.

The Sokoto Gudali

The Sokoto Gudali, also known as the Bokolo, is another significant breed. These cows are characterized by their large size, short horns, and a coat that is usually black or dark brown. They are highly valued for their meat and milk production.

The Red Bororo

The Red Bororo, or the Rahaji, is another breed found in Nigeria. These cows are typically red or brown and are known for their long legs and large body size. They are primarily used for meat production due to their high growth rate and large body size.

Adamawa Gudali

Another breed is the Adamawa Gudali. They are similar to the Sokoto Gudali but have a more muscular build and a lighter coat. They are also known for their high meat and milk yield.

Muturu breed

Lastly, the Muturu breed is a smaller type of cattle found in Nigeria. They are known for their resistance to tsetse fly, a trait that makes them particularly suited to certain parts of the country. Despite their smaller size, they are still used for both meat and milk production.

Regional Price Differences for Cows in Nigeria

In the Northern region, where there is a high concentration of Fulani herdsmen who are major cattle breeders, the cost of cows tends to be lower. This is primarily due to the proximity to the source, lower transportation costs, and the abundance of grazing land for the cattle.

In contrast, in the Southern region, the cost of cows is generally higher. This is largely due to the increased transportation costs associated with moving the cows from the North, where they are predominantly reared, to the South. Additionally, the higher cost of living and higher demand for cows, particularly during festive periods, also contribute to the higher prices.

In the Eastern region, the price of cows can also be relatively high, especially during traditional ceremonies when the demand for cows increases. The cost can also be influenced by the type of cow, with larger, healthier cows commanding higher prices. It’s also worth noting that the Eastern region has a preference for certain types of cows, which can affect the price.

In the Western region, particularly in urban areas like Lagos, the price of cows can be quite high due to the high cost of transportation and the high demand, especially during festive periods. However, in rural areas of the Western region, the prices can be somewhat lower due to the presence of local cattle rearing activities.

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Price of Cow in Nigeria

The size of the cow is an important determinant of its price. Larger cows, which provide more meat, are generally more expensive. For instance, a big cow can cost between 800,000 to 1,500,000 Naira, while a medium-sized cow can range from 700,000 to 800,000 Naira.

The age of the cow also influences its price. Younger cows are typically less expensive than older, more mature cows. This is because older cows have had more time to grow and develop, thus providing more meat.

Cow in NigeriaPrices
Big Cow in Lagos 1,200,000 - 1,500,000
Big Cow in Ibadan 1,100,000 - 1,500,000
Big Cow in Benin 1,300,000 - 1,500,000
Big Cow in Kano 700,000 - 800,000
Big Cow in Owerri 1,300,000 - 1,500,000
Medium sized Cow in Lagos 700,000 - 1,000,000
Medium sized Cow in Ibadan 700,000 - 1,000,000
Medium sized Cow in Benin 800,000 - 1,200,000
Medium sized Cow in Kano 500,000 - 700,000
Medium sized Cow in Owerri 800,000 - 1,200,000
Small Cow in Lagos 500,000 - 600,000
Small Cow in Ibadan 500,000 - 600,000
Small Cow in Benin 500,000 - 700,000
Small Cow in Kano 200,000 - 350,000
Small Cow in Owerri 500,000 - 700,000

Where can I buy cheap cows in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, there are several places where you can buy cows at a relatively affordable cost. In the West, One of these is the popular Kara cattle market located in Ogun State, Malali Cattle Market in Kaduna State, Sokoto State, Nkwo Nnewi Market in Anambra State, Potiskum Cattle Market in Yobe State. This market is one of the largest in Nigeria and offers a wide variety of cows at competitive prices.

In the north, a place to consider is the Malali Cattle Market in Kaduna State. This market is known for its large supply of cows, and the prices are often negotiable, allowing you to get a good deal.

The Sokoto Cattle Market in Sokoto State is another location where you can find cheap cows. This market is one of the oldest and most respected in the country, and it’s known for its fair pricing.

In the Eastern part of Nigeria, you can visit the Nkwo Nnewi Market in Anambra State. This market is renowned for its livestock trading, including cows, and the prices are usually reasonable.

The Potiskum Cattle Market in Yobe State is another place to consider. This market is one of the largest in West Africa and offers a wide variety of cows at affordable prices.

One response to “Price of Cow in Nigeria today”

  1. Goat farming in Nigeria:
    A business for today


    Goat farming in present conditions in Nigeria. There has been a lot of talk over the idea that investments in agriculture should be durable ones and ones that are thought about a long time before they are made. In such countries that are developing, like Nigeria or other African countries that we might think of, investments in agriculture are one of the best kind of financial decisions that one can make.

    Even if the agricultural opportunities are, or seem to be, more and more in all countries, there is obvious proof that livestock farming such as goat farming is a very lucrative business.
    But why talk precisely about goat farming when it comes to livestock farming ? There are many reasons for this, so let’s see what a few of them are:

    • When we are talking about goat farming , this will require relatively low capital and it will bring us great profit.
    • Most locals in Nigeria consume goat meat daily as an integral part of their usual menu, making this a very required type of meat .
    • Goat skin can be used to make shoes, bags, belts and other leather-base materials
    • As livestock, we have to remember that goats are easy to feed and manage , and they also require minimal supervision
    • Goats have a reproduction rate that will be very good for business
    • Pharmacists also make use of goat prospects for drug production, but also can use goat milk for cosmetics of all kind.

    Goat farming, a great investment for 2024
    So, how can we get started in the area of goat farming? We must first remember that we have to not get in any kind of business without first researching the domain that we want to invest in. Thus, we should research what raising goats entails : from what exactly goats eat, how we should feed them , what is the mating and reproduction process and to the milk production process, leather production or manure distribution.

    Within the research process we should also decide what the breed of goats that we want to actually invest in. Because there are so many breeds of goats that can be part of our goat farm, we have to take that into consideration when deciding exactly what breed would fit us. We should also think that if we want to raise two breeds of goats, the financial investment will be a lot more important and large.

    Next, where do we locate our farm? Should we consider building an entire new farm or should we acquire a piece of land with a pasture that can accommodate our animals. This kind of a pasture needs to be both spacious, but also needs to offer us the opportunity to build shelters for our animals, where they can both be sheltered from atmospheric conditions, but also where they can eat.

    Speaking of food, food for goats will be ideally offered by the land of the pasture, but you can also decide to buy pre-made food that is specially thought for our livestock.

    Only after taking all of these aspects we can actually think about investing in a goat farm, as we need to understand all aspects of this type of farming.

    However, we should not neglect the most important aspect in this equation, that being the legal aspects that are, without fault, involved in us starting a goat farm. If some states, such as Nigeria, is willing to help investors in order to start agricultural investments, there are states that impose a lot of restrictions in this domain. Should that be the case, a legal office should be without hesitance be contacted.

    ☎️ 09068285502

    🛖 We are located here in Agric extension after yafulani camp kamba Dandi local government kebbi state.


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